

This research aim to appearing relationship between HR Training Process and Hospitality Service Quality and their Impact on Strategic Success through hypothetical Model, tested on 67 employee from five star hotels in Erbil.
For achieving research objectives, researchers had depended on questionnaire that composed four axes. As customized first axis to personality data, second axis to HR Training Process with four dimension (Select of Training Requirements, Design of Training Process, Implement of Training Process and finally Evaluation) as each dimension contains four phrases. As customized third axis to Hospitality Service Quality with four dimensions (Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness and Safety) as each dimension composed on four phrases. The fourth axis is Strategic Success with three dimensions (Staying, Adaptation and Growth) as each of them includes four phrases.
Distributed (80) questionnaire on trainee employees, 67 of them retrieved and valid to depend that represent %84, depended on SPSS program to obtain: (Percentages, Frequencies, mean, Correlation, Regression) between research variables.
The findings indicate a positive correlation between HR Training Process and Hospitality Service Quality collectively and individually, as appears impact of this relationship on Strategic Success. Finally researchers recommends increased attention to HR Training Process and Hospitality Service Quality, because of their impact on Strategic Success.

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