


Capabilities‎ is the level of performance of the organization in the business environment and strategic decisions Are those decisions that deeply affect the destiny and future of the organization through the response and compatibility between these decisions and the requirements of the environment, this may be a fair beginning to achieve the view that the relationship must be inherent to the beginning of each idea, Therefore, the research problem has been identified that the management of the organization cannot determine the level of capacity that it possesses . Studies have shown that IT capabilities play a major role in successful strategic decision-making, thus enabling them to achieve outstanding performance. Hence, the researchers started to define the dimensions of the problem of the study on the possibility of reaching a successful strategic decision based on the IT capabilities of an organization working in A fast-changing environment.There are many organizational capabilities such as ability to process, ability to innovate, manageability, alliance capabilities, service capabilities, financial capability, etc. But this study focuses on information technology (IT). The information has been gathered by using questionnaire survey ‎in Mosul University, 39 ‎questionnaires have been obtained out of 45 respondents, and data have ‎been collected and analyzed. After data analyzing, significant results of ‎both dependent and independent variables have been gotten. Thus, we ‎can find out the idea of the effecting of IT Capabilities ‎in Strategic Decision.‎

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