


Through our current study, we seek to address the foundations of comprehensive productive maintenance by studying and analyzing to find out when they are available and applying them in the lab clothes of the birth in Mosul and expressed as (self-maintenance _ planned maintenance _ quality maintenance _ quality management maintenance comprehensive _ safety and health and environmental management _ training-maintenance improvement) through the presentation and analysis of the views and positions of directors of departments, people and units and their assistants and experienced And specialization, and to identify the most available foundations with a view to strengthening them and to stand at the lesser ones in order to give them serious attention in order to adopt and develop them 'and then provide a theoretical and field study For the field of key respondent anchor for a proper perspective for the adoption of the pillars of the comprehensive productive maintenance We adopted the questionnaire form as a tool for collecting data and information, where 40 forms were distributed and 35 of them were retrieved, so the response rate reached 87.5%. The study reached results that established a number of conclusions. Overall.

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