


The main objective of the research is to employ all the specific positive indicators contained in the concepts of urban sustainability as the goals achieved on the social, economic and environmental aspects and to establish a sound framework by prioritizing sustainable development in the urban planning and design. There was a weakness in the implementation of the master plans of the cities in question through the continuous change in land use and the overlap between these uses as found in the master plan, which negatively affected the dimensions of sustainable development. The research dealt with the reality of land use, infrastructure and energy in Ramadi city and about the extent to which urban sustainable development indicators are being achieved. SPSS program was used to analyze the answers of the sample. The main findings of the research are that all uses (residential, commercial, and industrial) are higher than the standard specified in Ramadi city, as well as in the city of Anh where the uses were higher than the standard (residential, commercial). Except for industrial it is below standard, The poor delivery of community services and anchor structures to informal areas because they are not planned and outside the baseline of the city. The results of the statistical analysis show that there are no significant differences (non-significant) for the following axes (residential, commercial, industrial), and that there are significant differences for the axes of the infrastructure and energy axis.

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