


The phenomenon of hypocrisy is a major problem as it is one of the prevailing diseases in many organizations as a result of the deviant behavior practiced by some of its employees. Accordingly the research problem raises several questions: Does the phenomenon of job hypocrisy exist in the researched organizations? Are employees acknowledge that they are practicing hypocrisy or throw it on their peers? what is the relationship between hypocrisy and manager authority?. So the research aims to diagnose the extent of this phenomenon and know its effects on some undesirable behaviors in the organization through A questionnaire was designed and distributed to a sample of employees in a number of organizations in Nineveh Governorate, the number retrieved from which is valid for analysis (459). The data was analyzed by the statistical program (SPSS. Vers.24) and the research reached a number of results, the most important of which is that hypocrisy is a widely spread phenomenon in the researched organizations, and that most employees throw their peers in to practicing hypocrisy, and there is a significant correlation between some worker behaviors and job hypocrisy, as well On the fact that hypocrisy has an effect on some undesirable behaviors in the organization, such as increased grumbling and dissatisfaction, law loyalty and spreading a weakness and frustration among employees. The results also showed that there is a difference in the practice of hypocrisy according to some personal variables, including sex and marital status. The research also presented a set of recommendations that can help in reducing this phenomenon.

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