


The climate change that the world is witnessing is one of the most important challenges facing developed and developing countries (Arab) both, due to the accompanying effects and repercussions on various fields, The sector most sensitive to these changes is the agricultural (food) sector. As agricultural-food production in the Arab regions is negatively affected by climate change, Especially in countries that are already exposed to climate fluctuations (drought, desertification, floods) and suffer from low incomes, widespread hunger and poverty. The effect appeared in the form of fluctuations in production and the widening of the gap. The increase in dependence on the outside world in providing food supplies in the Arab regions for the period (2005-2015). This is due to a group of reasons, including global warming, increased CO2 emissions, High temperatures, increased evaporation, and other reasons, which consequently affect directly and indirectly the agricultural-food production. The research found that climate change has negative and direct nutritional effects, including an imbalance in the quantities and components of consumption. As well as on the level of income for individuals who depend on agriculture to obtain it, Which is often destined for consumption, which exposes them to the risk of not being able to cope with this kind of volatility.

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