


Extending the current of oil abundance to the various economic, financial and monetary sectors in the country and disrupting the arms of economic policies and tools in response to the requirements of development and stability, pushes the Iraqi economy towards the acute part of the crisis, especially with the failure of government efforts to provide an appropriate environment for the start and growth of the private sector and the disengagement from the economic growth model The oil. The development model based on the oil rents in financing the budget and the economy left behind a number of challenges and structural imbalances that hindered the country’s chances of achieving sustainable economic development, and increased the risks of infiltration of the global economy crises through price channels and oil revenues.The research seeks to monitor the features of the total economic imbalance left by excessive dependence on oil revenues during the past years and decades, and to design a set of macroeconomic approaches within a systematic framework that accommodates all economic, financial and monetary reform programs in the country and establishes sustainable economic development that achieves economic and social goals, by drawing A detailed and flexible roadmap to adapt to the multiple economic shocks that the country suffers from, and to initiate gradual reform policies that affect all public sectors in a concomitant manner, in addition to providing effective mechanisms for implementation, monitoring and performance evaluation.

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