Document Type : بحث



     The current research aims to know the impact of moral leadership through positive psychological capital, by studying ethical leadership and its dimensions (personal traits, administrative qualities, teamwork, human relations) through positive psychological capital by studying its dimensions (optimism, hope self-efficacy, flexibility). And due to the importance of the research as it discusses two very important topics (moral leadership and positive psychological capital), a hypothetical scheme was developed that defines the nature of the relationship between the two variables, and in order to reveal the nature of this relationship, hypotheses that were tested statistically were formulated. The research community consisted of directors of higher and middle administrations in the province of Baghdad, districts and sub-districts, and in order to collect data, a questionnaire for variables was developed, as (174) questionnaires were distributed to managers in Baghdad province, and (147) were retrieved, i.e. (60%), and the researcher approved The use of a number of statistical techniques within my programs (AMOS.V24, SPSS.V26) such as (the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of difference, relative importance, simple linear regression, and path analysis to process the collected data to reach the results to achieve the goal, and they were the most important The results of the research are that the dimensions of moral leadership have a direct, positive effect with significant statistical significance on the positive psychological capital in the public and local administration of Baghdad Governorate, and this effect is caused by all the variables, and the current research came out with a set of recommendations, the most prominent of which is (the need to devote a culture of moral leadership and positive psychological capital Within Baghdad Governorate at all administrative levels of the departments associated with it


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