Document Type : بحث



The current research aims to determine the role and the relationship of association of a group of dimensions represented in creating ideas, solving crises and work obstacles, teamwork in implementing ideas, and creating strategies for teamwork, in the development of human resource management from the point of view of male and female teachers affiliated in vocational schools in Nineveh Governorate for the academic year (2022-2023). To achieve the objectives of the research, a scale containing (44) questions was prepared and distributed to the research sample, which included 160 respondents. This research depends on the methods of descriptive analysis and statistical analysis, and the intellectual dilemma of the research is embodied in the search for answers to a set of questions, including:
What is the relationship between career creativity and the development of human resources management in the vocational schools in Nineveh Governorate? What is the opinion of the faculty members affiliated in the vocational schools in Nineveh Governorate about career creativity in its various dimensions? What is their opinion of the direction of the vocational schools in Nineveh Governorate towards the development of human resources management?
The results of the description and statistical analysis were able to come up with a set of conclusions, namely that male and female teachers affiliated with the vocational schools in Nineveh Governorate have a medium-level opinion of 63.2% towards job creativity, and they also have a medium-range opinion with a percentage of 59.4 towards the development of human resources management. The results of the research showed that there is a direct relationship between the variable of career creativity in its various dimensions (creating ideas, solving crises and work obstacles, teamwork in implementing ideas, creating teamwork strategies) and the development of human resources management at a confidence level of 99%.


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