Document Type : بحث



 The study dealt with the impact of small projects in alleviating poverty and unemployment in Sudan for the period (2014-2020) - an applied study of the case of Ebdaa Bank for microfinance, the problem is the increasing severity of poverty and unemployment in general and in the countryside in particular, which requires searching for ways and mechanisms to address it, and microfinance is one of the most important ways to address poverty and support economic and social development, and it assumes that there is a statistically significant relationship between the financing granted by Ebdaa Bank and poverty and unemployment alleviation in Sudan, and the study followed the method of analysis Descriptive, The most important results are that there is a statistically significant relationship between the microfinance granted by the grantee from Ebdaa Bank and poverty alleviation with a mean of (4.04) according to the five-year card scale, and there is a statistically significant relationship between the microfinance granted by the grantee from Ebdaa Bank Unemployment rates with an average of (4.04) according to the five-year card scale, and there is a statistically significant relationship between the success of microfinance projects and the procedures associated with granting and providing it from Ebdaa Bank for microfinance with a medium of (3.43) according to Scale for the pentagonal card,The most important recommendations are to pay attention to the microfinance sector and make it an effective development characterized by characteristics, the most important of which is reaching millions of people, especially the poor, to alleviate poverty and support economic and social development in Sudan, increasing the financing ceiling by the Central Bank in line with the high increase in inflation in 2019 and 2020, with the abolition of government fees and taxes to ensure the continuity of projects and increase their size and productivity, Increasing the volume of financing provided by the bank while reducing monthly installments, developing capabilities and skills, and providing marketing for the production of projects, including linking agricultural products to crop markets spread in the states.


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