Document Type : بحث



       The current research seeks to know the impact of digital citizenship dimensions (Educate, Respect, Protection) in enhancing business intelligence in Iraqi telecom companies, as the research field is represented by Korek Telecom Company for mobile communications in Nineveh Governorate, and the research community included all individuals working in the company at various levels administrative, as a random sample was selected from the community, the size of which was (222) individuals. The analytical descriptive approach was also relied upon for its suitability for the details of the research, and using the electronic questionnaire form designed according to (Google) models, the field side data was collected from the research sample, as this data was analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS-V25) with regard to describing the sample members. The program (AMOS-V25) used to test the hypotheses. The research reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of a positive moral impact relationship of digital citizenship in business intelligence, and the reason may be due to the company's quest to collect data from different sources and try to convert it into useful information for decision-making. Through the success of most of its marketing and production, decisions related to the use of business intelligence techniques. The research recommended the need to raise the levels of digital citizenship among individuals working in the company by benefiting from the experiences of international organizations, because of this's great affect in enhancing business intelligence.


  1. أ-الكتب

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    ثانياً: المصادر الأجنبية

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