Document Type : بحث



   The aim of the research is to know the relationship and influence between relational capital and organizational sustainability in the Iraqi carpet factory, by exploring the opinions of the research sample regarding each of the relational capital and organizational sustainability. Through the statistical package (SPSS), and the research relied on the questionnaire as a main tool for collecting data and information in the field, where a random sample of (81) individuals was selected from the workers in the Iraqi carpet factory, A number of hypotheses related to correlations and influence relationships between relational capital and organizational sustainability have been tested, and according to this premise, a number of research questions have been identified to be the limits of the research problem. The most important of these questions is what is the nature of the relationship and influence between relational capital and organizational sustainability? The research reached several conclusions, including: The relationship and influence between relational capital and organizational sustainability is a direct, high and significant relationship, and there is a great weakness in technology and a great weakness in the equipment because it is old, which weakened the ability of the factory to compete with the importer


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