Document Type : بحث



The revolution of information and communications as well as the extraordinary technical progress have resulted in an increasing interest in the human element. The human element is one of the most significant resources that will achieve sustainable development, providing an existing competitive environment for the economy, if conditions, on an economic, social, political, and scientific basis, are available. The contributions to economic growth have paid a considerable deal of attention to the role of the human element being characterized by abilities and expertise that lead the economy to flourish and reach the top heights
The migration of qualified people from Arab countries to America, Canada, Australia as well as many Western countries has increased. This migration threatens the development and progress of Arab societies. Those immigrants prefer to head to the advanced couturiers because the essentials of social, economic, and scientific development are available. Additionally, these countries enjoy high status in the fields of medicine, science, and technology.
Nowadays, many Arab countries suffer from the negative effects of competent individuals migrating abroad. this type of migration has led to the loss of distinguishably capable people. This loss imposes a bad impact on economic development. Unemployment is increasing with many problems in various areas of life.


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