Document Type : بحث



      The form of the comparative analysis of the effect of accounting ratios represented by (share price to book value PB, earnings per share to its price EP, share of dividends DPS, and company size SIZE) on stock prices, to monitor and determine the most optimal and accurate for forecasting stock prices in practice, the main objective of this The research, taken from a sample of the shares of the financial sector companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the period (January 2010-December 2021) as a model to prove this, and reviewing the most important theoretical propositions and empirical studies that were presented for those ratios, and using modern economic measurement tools based on the two analysis methodologies Variation ANOVA, and factor analysis using the Principal Components Analysis method, and accordingly the results of the research revealed that the difference in accounting ratios in terms of the standards they adopt, leads to the variation in the size of their effects on stock prices, and thus the difference in the priority of the investor or financial analyst in their adoption, and the reliance on To the two ratios (the share price to its book value, and the earnings per share to its price) in predicting the prices of the shares of the financial sector companies listed in the stock market. Iraq Securities, provides the investor with the ability to interpret stock price fluctuations in the market, as well as saving time and effort in analyzing other accounting ratios.


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