Document Type : بحث



       This study aimed to explore the benefit of applying human resources accounting, and its impact on raising the efficiency of financial performance in telecommunications companies in Sudan, due to its importance to decision makers, in addition to the fact that voluntary disclosure of human resources information will add more credibility and confidence in financial reports.
      The study relied on the analytical descriptive approach, and the research community was represented by accountants and auditors working in the financial affairs of telecommunications companies in the state of Khartoum in Sudan, where a simple random sample of (111) employees was selected.
     By analyzing the data of the study, several results were reached, most notably that the respondents have a high degree of confidence that the application of accounting for human resources in telecommunications companies in Sudan will lead to raising the efficiency of financial performance in several aspects such as measurement, honesty and fairness of presentation and expression, and this will inevitably lead to the provision of appropriate financial information for stakeholders,  they also agree with a high degree that there is a positive impact of the voluntary disclosure of human resources information on the efficiency of the financial performance of telecommunications companies in Sudan through the quality of profits, improving the quality of financial information in financial reports, and promoting adequate disclosure, and this will lead to increased confidence in financial reports by users.
     The study also recommended several recommendations, including: emphasizing the importance of human resources accounting at the level of accountants and auditors working in telecommunications companies in Sudan, so that they can correctly measure and display the cost and value of what the company spends on human cadres, and work on training and continuous development to develop skills in the field of measurement and disclosure of resource information. Humanity, because of its repercussions on the financial and administrative performance of telecommunications companies in Sudan


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