Document Type : بحث



     The financing process remains an obsession that worries those in charge of designing development programs aimed at bringing about quantitative and qualitative changes in the structure of developing economies. Therefore, it always seeks to secure these needs, and because of the weakness and decline of local savings to meet such needs, attention is directed to foreign investments as an alternative that can effectively contribute to the implementation of these programs. The foreign direct investment comes as one of the most important options in this direction to reach the desired results. With the many different forms of foreign direct investment, joint investment is one of the most important options available because of its great advantages for developing countries and preferences that make it likely over other types. This does not mean that this type of investment is free of negatives. The study showed that the option of foreign investment is necessary to continue the development and construction processes discreetly and continuously. However, this requires the investment host countries to take a set of measures that will work to reduce or reduce the expected damages from these investments and maximize the positive points in order to reach the best results. Perhaps that starts from good preparation and planning for it. And the right choice, in addition to the competitiveness in negotiating and achieving the interests of the country with the investing companies, all of this will contribute to the crystallization of a successful strategy to deal with these investments that will eventually lead to positive results for the economy and the ongoing development process in it.
