Document Type : بحث



         The objective of the current research is to demonstrate the impact of foresight in the Ministry of Planning on foresight on the quality of work life. It was distributed to a sample of senior and middle leaders in the Ministry of Planning and by (102) out of (120) managers to accomplish the practical aspect of the research. Accordingly, the research model was formulated to determine the relationship and impact of foresight. The strategic dimensions (environmental monitoring capabilities, strategic choice, capacity integration) and the quality of work life and its dimensions (participatory style, security and stability, continuous improvement) and a hypothesis emerged related to the statement of the impact of strategic foresight on the quality of work life using a set of statistical methods (Smartpls)) and the results were reached The research indicates that strategic foresight has a positive impact on the quality of work life, and this supports the statistical formulation of the research hypotheses     .                                           
