Document Type : بحث




     The current research aims to know the extent of the impact of job maturity in sustainable marketing, and sustainable marketing was chosen for the novelty of this concept and to keep pace with developments taking place in the world, and the dimensions of job maturity (career planning, job training, decision-making ability, ability to excel) were adopted. The following dimensions were adopted (the economic dimension, the social dimension, the environmental dimension), and the General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries was chosen to conduct the research in it, as the questionnaires were distributed to a random sample that included managers and employees alike, and the number of the sample was (90) individuals from the company’s employees And the statistical methods were relied upon to analyze the questionnaire data, including the program (SPSS V.23, AMOS V.23), and one of the most important conclusions reached by the research is that job maturity contributes in its various dimensions to achieving and enhancing sustainable marketing through the ideas that the customer provides A new creativity of the researched company and its distinguished participation in the processes of production and marketing of services .


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