
كلية الادارة والاقتصاد / جامعة بغداد



يهدف البحث الحالي, الى اختبار تأثير الوعي الاستراتيجي بأبعاده (الوعي بخدمة الزبائن, الوعي بترويج الخدمات, الوعي بالخدمة, الوعي بالبيئة التنافسية, الوعي الاداري / التنسيقي) في الازدهار التنظيمي بأبعاده (القدرات التنظيمية, الالتزام التنظيمي, دعم القيادة, التمكين) في دائرة صحة الانبار, فضلاً عن تشخيص مستوى اهتمام الدائرة بمتغيرات البحث وأبعادها الفرعية, للخروج بجملة من التوصيات تسهم في تحسين ممارستها وتبنيها لهذه المتغيرات, وانطلاقاً من حداثة المتغيرات وأهميتها الملحة للدائرة وأفرادها من جهة, والمجتمع من جهة أخرى, اعتمد البحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي الاستطلاعي في إنجازه, اذ كان مجتمع البحث يتألف من قيادات الدائرة البالغ عددهم (97), وزعت عليهم الاستبانة, ليسترد الباحث منها (94), كان الصالح منها للتحليل الاحصائي (92) وهي عينة البحث, وقد رفدت الاستبانة بالبيانات والملاحظات والمقابلات المحدودة, فيما استعمل البحث البرامج الاحصائية (SMART PLS V.3.3  , SPSS V.28  ), لتحليل البيانات الاولية, مع اعتماد اساليب الإحصاء الوصفي والاستدلالي, وقد أظهر التحليل الاحصائي عدد من النتائج كان أبرزها اعتماد دائرة صحة الانبار الوعي الاستراتيجي كداعم رئيس لتحسين ازدهارها التنظيمي.

الجديد في البحث

  1. Abid, G., & Ahmed, A. (2016). Multifacetedness of thriving: Its cognitive, affective, and behavioral dimensions. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, 8(3).‏
  2. Ahad, R., Mustafa, M. Z., Mohamad, S., Abdullah, N. H. S., & Nordin, M. N. (2021). Work attitude, organizational commitment and emotional intelligence of Malaysian vocational college teachers. Journal of Technical Education and Training, 13(1), 15-21.‏
  3. Ahakwa, I., Yang, J., Agba Tackie, E., Afotey Odai, L., & Dartey, S. (2021). The effects of job autonomy, organizational learning, and work environment on organizational commitment of public sector employees in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 9(1), 2099-2110.
  4. Al-Ababneh, M. M. (2017). The influence of employee empowerment on employee job satisfaction in five-star hotels in Jordan. International Business Research, 10(3).‏
  5. Al-Badayneh, G. (2021). The Impact of Strategic Awareness on Enhancing Organizational Immunity System: An Applied Study on Jordanian Food Manufacturing Companies. International Review of Management and Marketing, 11(2), 47-58.‏
  6. Asbari, M., Purba, J. T., Hariandja, E. S., & Sudibjo, N. (2021). From Leadership to Innovation: Managing Employee Creativity. Journal of Strategic Management and Business Applications, 4(1), 143-154.‏
  7. Atherton, A., & Hannon, P. (1997). Strategic awareness and the process of innovation. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 5(02), 193-208.‏
  8. Bhatti, A., Rehman, S. U., & Rumman, J. B. A. (2020). Organizational capabilities mediates between organizational culture, entrepreneurial orientation, and organizational performance of SMEs in Pakistan. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 8(4), 85-103.‏
  9. Chew, Y. T. (2005). Achieving organizational prosperity through employee motivation and retention: A comparative study of strategic HRM practices in Malaysian institutions. Research and practice in human resource management, 13(2), 87-104.‏
  10. Davis, P. S., Allen, J. A., & Dibrell, C. (2012). Fostering strategic awareness at an organization's boundary. Leadership & Organization Development, Journal,Vol. 33 Iss: 4 pp. 322 – 341.
  11. Dirette, D. (2002). The development of awareness and the use of compensatory strategies for cognitive deficits. Brain Injury, 16(10), 861-871.
  12. Driouchi, T., & Bennett, D. (2011). Real options in multinational decision-making: Managerial awareness and risk implications. Journal of World Business, 46(2), 205-219.
  13. Dyczkowska, J., & Dyczkowski, T. (2015). An Influence of Strategic Awareness on Management Control: Evidence from Polish Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Central European Management Journal, 23(1).
  14. Eliyana, A., & Ma’arif, S. (2019). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment effect in the transformational leadership towards employee performance. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 25(3), 144-150.
  15. Funston, F., & Wagner, S. (2010). Surviving and thriving in uncertainty: Creating the risk intelligent enterprise. John Wiley & Sons.
  16. Gajić, J. (2012). Importance of marketing mix in higher education institutions. The European Journal of Applied Economics, 9(1), 29-41.
  17. Ghobadian, A., Speller, S., & Jones, M. (1994). Service quality: concepts and models. International journal of quality & reliability management, Vol. 11 No. 9, pp. 43-66.
  18. Gibb, A., & Scott, M. (1985). Strategic awareness, personal commitment and the process of planning in the small business. Journal of Management Studies, 22(6), 597-631.‏
  19. Haggège, M., Gauthier, C., & Rüling, C. C. (2017). Business model performance: five key drivers. Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 38 Issue: 2, pp.6-15.
  20. Halis, M., Sariisik, M., & Turkay, O. (2010). Institutional Strategic Consciousness and its Reflections: Research on Qualified Hotels in Istanbul. Journal of Global Strategic Management, (8), 160-170.
  21. HassabElnaby, H.R., Hwang, W. and Vonderembse, M.A. (2012), "The impact of ERP implementation on organizational capabilities and firm performance", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 19 No. 4/5, pp. 618-633.
  22. Hugos, M. H. (2009). Business agility: Sustainable prosperity in a relentlessly competitive world. John Wiley and Sons.‏
  23. Judge, T. A., & Robbins, S. P. (2018). Essentials of organizational behavior. Pearson Education United States.
  24. Kokar, M. M., & Endsley, M. R. (2012). Situation awareness and cognitive modeling. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 27(3), 91-96.
  25. Lewis, B.R.Mitchell, V.W. (1990), "Defining and Measuring the Quality of Customer Service", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 8 No. 6, pp. 11-17.
  26. Luangsakdapich, R., Jhundra-indra, P., & Muenthaisong, K. (2017). Customer service flexibility strategy  and service performance : evidence from cosmetic plastic strategy  businesses in Thailand. Au-Gsb Journal, 10(1), 34-34.‏
  27. McShane, S., & Glinow, M. A. V. (2021). Organizational behavior. McGraw-Hill Education.
  28. Mohammed, R. K., & Saaed, H. K. (2021). The Relationship Between Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Prosperity: Analytical: Research in The State Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 6703-6717.
  29. Mohapatra, I., & Sundaray, B. K. (2018). Impact of employee empowerment on employee performance. International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research (IJATER), 1, 98-102.
  30. Mohiuddin Babu, M. (2018). Impact of firm’s customer orientation on performance: the moderating role of interfunctional coordination and employee commitment. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 26(8), 702-722.‏
  31. Ogbu Edeh, F. (2019). The prosperity of Nigerian Manufacturing Companies: Effect of Human Resource Conservation. IUJ Journal of Management, 7(2).‏
  32. Paarlberg, L. E. (2007). The impact of customer orientation on government employee performance. International Public Management Journal, 10(2), 201-231.
  33. Sadq, Z. M., Ahmad, B. S., & Jwmaa, S. J. (2019). The Role of Empowerment Strategies in Achieving Organizational Effectiveness (An Analytical Study of Managers’ Views in a Sample of Private Banks in Erbil/Iraq). International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 5(3), 110.‏
  34. Singh, N., & Arora, N. (2020). Construction and Measurement of Organization Prosperity Scale for Indian Advertising Agency., International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 03.
  35. Spreitzer, G. M., & Sutcliffe, K. M. (2007). Thriving in organizations. Positive organizational behavior, 33, 74-85.
  36. Thompson & Martin . (2005). "Strategic Management", book, 5th edition, big country publishing LLC.
  37. Turkay, O., Halis, M., Sariisik, M., & Calman, I. (2012). Effects of strategic consciousness and strategic planning on business performance: A comparative study of the industries in Turkey. African Journal of Business Management, 6(32), 9188-9201.‏
  38. Walsh, J. P. (1995). Managerial and organizational cognition: Notes from a trip down memory lane. Organization science, 6(3), 280-321.
  39. Webb, J. (2008). Strategic information management: A practitioner’s guide. Elsevier, Chandos Publishing Oxford – England.
  40. Yeşilkaya, M. (2015). Awareness of competition at senior management and its effect on firm performance. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 12(6), 96-107.
  41. Yuk, G. A., & Gardner, W. L. (2020). Leadership in organizations. (9th edition). published by Pearson Education, United States.

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