Document Type : بحث




      The research aims to achieve a statement of the impact of inspirational leadership on human engineering programs in the Nineveh Health Department. ? For the purpose of testing the research hypotheses, the research was applied to a sample of individuals working in the Nineveh Health Department to obtain the required information. A sample size of (350) individuals representing the segment of workers in the Nineveh Health Department of the people's officials and units of the administrative cadres, Among the most prominent conclusions (there is a direct positive statistically significant impact relationship between the inspirational leadership variable and human engineering programs), and the most important proposals (the organization under consideration should pay more attention to demonstrating the traits of inspirational leadership).


  1. أولا: المصادر العربية

    أ- الرسائل والإطاريح الجامعية

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    ثانياً: المصادر الأجنبية


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