Document Type : بحث


Uo. Mosul



Organizations' adoption of innovative marketing has made a significant contribution to achieving customer perceived value, as it represents the work base in organizations as well as an effective tool that guides marketing leaders. This topic gains importance based on the link between them because they have an effective role in achieving a competitive environment that has the ability to keep up with... Everything that is new in the field of marketing goods, and according to this logic, some of the following research questions were raised:

What is the nature of the correlation between innovative marketing and the customer’s perceived value in the stores investigated?
What is the nature of the impact of the innovative marketing variable on the customer’s perceived value variable in the investigated stores?
Does the relative importance of the dimensions of the innovative marketing variable vary on the customer’s perceived value variable in the stores investigated?

To answer these questions, a hypothetical model was developed that reflects the nature of the relationship between innovative marketing and the customer’s perceived value. It resulted in a set of hypotheses that were tested using a five-point Likert scale. (160) questionnaire forms were distributed to a sample of owners of electrical appliances stores in Mosul, and it was retrieved ( 157) questionnaire, and the research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are:

The results of the description and diagnosis showed that the answers of the individuals surveyed in the electrical appliances stores in Mosul focused on strong agreement with two variables (innovative marketing and the customer’s perceived value).
The results of the analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between the elements of innovative marketing and the customer’s perceived value.

  Based on these conclusions, the corresponding proposals were presented as follows:

The need for electrical appliances stores to pay attention to the elements of innovative marketing, especially in the fields of (calculated risks and sustainable creativity).

2. The need for electrical appliances stores to pay attention to the elements of innovative marketing, namely innovative imagination, calculated risk, creating customer value, developing marketing technology, raising the value of resources, and sustainable creativity, in addition to satisfying the consumer by satisfying his needs and desires


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