Document Type : بحث


جامعة تكريت / كلية الادارة والاقتصاد



      The research aims to indicate the impact of the characteristics of the entrepreneurial leaders in discovering and investing in entrepreneurial opportunities, specifically in the University of Kirkuk, which is one of the emerging universities in Iraq, by knowing the impact of the characteristics of the few entrepreneurs in discovering entrepreneurial opportunities and then working on their investment.  Description and analysis of the data collected by means of the questionnaire, which was the main tool of the study. The study community represented (133) individuals, represented by (the President of the University, Assistant President of the University, Dean, Associate Dean, Head of Department).  They had a questionnaire, and (121)
 questionnaires were retrieved, (3) of which were damaged, and (118) questionnaires, all of which were valid for analysis.  The study concluded that the entrepreneurial leadership at the University
 of Kirkuk is able, with its characteristics, to face challenges, assimilate and pave the way for university business and build commitment within the university, as well as defining the limits or priorities of discovering and investing in entrepreneurial opportunities. However, discovery and investment are somewhat limited by the availability and allocation of  The study recommended obtaining the necessary support from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Governorate of Kirkuk to increase the provision of job opportunities to ensure investment in young energies .


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