Document Type : بحث


Anbar University - College of Administration and Economics


Aims, indebtedness, quality of assets and capital adequacy), and indicators of the dependent variable represented by the rate of return on the share. The research was applied in the Iraqi banking sector on a sample consisting of (12) banks for the period from (2011-2020), and a set of methods and programs were used, including the ((EXCEL) program for financial analysis And the ((Panel data) program to test the effect relationship, and after analyzing the research data and testing its hypotheses, a set of results were reached, most notably (the presence of a statistically significant effect of financial health with its indicators on the rate of return per share for private banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange), as the results show Financial analysis The validity of the main hypothesis that the research sample banks enjoy sufficient financial health to achieve an acceptable rate of return on the share, and based on the results reached by the research presented a number of recommendations, the most prominent of which was providing adequate liquidity rates by converting assets into cash and issuing bonds and loans and this It increases confidence in banks when it comes to depositors' withdrawals, and these banks also carry out investment operations. They must first verify these investments, are they profitable? H and get accustomed to these banks with profits, to address the risks that these banks may be exposed to and because of the importance of this in enhancing the financial health of banks and its positive impact on the rate of return on the share.


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