Document Type : بحث


Anbar University- Business Administration & Economics College


The researcher's endeavor was to know and diagnose the computer-aided manufacturing strategy (CIM) in its dimensions, computer-aided product design (CAD), manufacturing planning, computer-aided manufacturing, inspection and follow-up of the Iraqi environment, specifically in the General Company for the Glass, Ceramic and Refractory Industry in Ramadi, through a field study in that organization and on the diversity of their administrative levels. Given the lack of interest of many governmental organizations in the subject of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) and the importance of the subject from the researcher’s point of view, in addition to the studies that dealt with the study variable in the Iraqi environment, we decided to address this subject in a comprehensive manner in an attempt to diagnose the application of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). To arrive at scientific and practical solutions that would address the problem of the study, a sample consisting of 50 people was selected from various departments, divisions, and units of the organization as a sample for the study. The questionnaire form was relied upon as the main means of collecting and analyzing data, which was processed using a set of statistical tools such as the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, as well as the T.test, which was processed using the statistical program SPSS V.27 on the computer. The study found many things that are important to the organization under study, the most important of which are:

There is agreement among the study sample about implementing the Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) strategy in its dimensions.
The existence of a somewhat appropriate technological infrastructure for adopting a computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) strategy in the organization under study.

Based on the conclusions reached by the researcher, he presented a set of recommendations that are consistent with those conclusions, including the urgent need to adopt the topics of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) as a new and innovative culture in the manufacturing process in the Iraqi environment as it is a source that brings many profits in most cases on the one hand and adopting An important culture is represented by preserving the environment on the other hand


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المصادر الأجنبية


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