Document Type : بحث



     The study aims to identify the levels of deception that marketers can adopt through websites in the city of Mosul, especially with the expansion of electronic marketing in various sectors. Where the main problem of the study revolves around the suffering of customers from the problem of mismatch of the specifications of the goods that they shop online with the actual goods that they actually get. In studying this problem, the researcher relied on the opinions of a sample of students of the Management Information System Department / College of Administration and Economics at the University of Mosul, specifically in the clothing sector. The questionnaire was used to collect field data for the study. As for the most important conclusion reached by the study, it is that most customers have a problem with the specifications and quality of the goods that they get, which differ from the specifications announced on the websites. The researcher presented a set of proposals, the most prominent of which is the importance of the existence of laws and legislation that preserve the rights of the customer and hold accountable the violators of these laws.


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